Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kelly - Blodget

Blodget shows either arrogance or ignorance, and maybe a little of both. He ignores demand or atg least assumes there is demand simply waiting untapped. While his first suggestion, to cut costs, makes send he also contradicts himself on equilibrium – here’s how.
1) In admitting the need to cut costs to compensate for lost revenue (lost interest/waning demand) he concedes that demand is down for the Times.
2) But his solution is to charge more for what is becoming, essentially, inferior goods.
This isn’t an indictment of the quality of the Times, it’s a recognition that there is dwindling perceived value to the Times by the audience. No buyers, no sales… especially at a higher price! It seems to me that Blodget wants to capitalize on the old economy of scale which made sense when there was no targeted alternative to the mass audience mass media. But now that just seems naïve. The Times used to be filet mignon… it’s becoming Ramen noodles.
And actually, Picard penned a much better response to Blodget than I did. If there aren’t buyers, if your product or service has decreasing market value, you should charge less… not more.

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